writing PowerShell script one command which goes in a long line reduces the
readability of the command, this normally happens when you are taking output
object of one cmdlet and passing it to another cmdlet.
would like to extend a long line command in multi-line to improve the
let me clarify what does pipeline means in PowerShell, as you know object
returned by a cmdlet can be stored in a variable for later use or piped to a subsequent
cmdlet as input for the subsequent cmdlet. A pipeline is a channel through
which the output of a cmdlet can be passed to following cmdlet, the pipeline is
represented by pipe char ‘|’
is an example of pipeline: - Output of Get-Service cmdlet which is SPTimerV4 service
is piped to the next cmdlet Stop-Service which stops the SpTimerV4 service.
SPTimerV4 | Stop-Service
are the ways how you can extend the pipeline to more than one line to improve
Use Tick Mark
You can use tick mark to break the line and continue the command in next line,
PowerShell assumes that the subsequent line is the continuation of the current
Get-Service –DisplayName
*SharePoint* | ‘
Use Pipe
Symbol (|) as last character of the line: When Pipe symbol is the last character
of a line, it indicates that the command is not complete so Windows PowerShell
continues the command with the subsequent line
Get-Service –DisplayName
*SharePoint* |
Use a left
curly brace ({):
Curly braces are normally used to enclose the structure such as expression or a
procedure. A left curly brace suggests that a structure follows.